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  1. Every student must possess a School Calendar/Diary which should be brought to School daily.
  2. The school hours are from 8:45 am to 2:45 pm. Students must be in the School campus at 8:30 am and leave the School by 3.00 p.m.
  3. To acquire greater communication facility only English should be spoken in the School campus.
  4.  Irregular attendance, habitual want to application, insubordination, any kind of cheating or serious misconduct, event outside the school campus or any habit or behavior objectionable to the good name of the school are sufficient reasons to take disciplinary actions against the students.
  5. No book, periodicals, newspapers or any other type of articles that are objectionable nature shall be brought to the school. Parcels and letters addressed to the students are subjected to inspection before handing them over to the students.
  6. Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Mobile phones, pen drive, Cds and any other electronic gadgets, as well as ornaments and jewellery of any kind are not allowed in the school.
  7. Any damage done to the school property should be made good or replaced by the student concerned.
  8.  No present or any kind of gathering organized for the teachers is allowed without the prior consent of the school authorities. Collections for any purpose whatsoever requires should be done with the consent
    and sanction of the Principal
  9. Every student attending the school is obliged to take part in all the extra-curricular activities of the School as part of their integral training and no one will be excused except for valid reasons. No student will abstain from physical exercise without the doctor’s certificate.
  10. Parents/Guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers during the school hours.
  11. Certificate, concession forms, recommendation letters etc. will be issued only two days after the application has been submitted in the office.
  12. Being a Catholic Institution, only Christian festivals are celebrated within the School campus. No disrespect will be shown to articles and images of religious and worship proper to Christian faith. Besides, every student is required to show respect for all religions and faiths.