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Blue House Laura Vicuna (A song of joy to all)
Green House St. Mary Mazzarello (Enlighten the world with love & knowledge)
Red House Don Bosco (Joyful Service)
Yellow House Dominic Savio (Death Rather than Sin)

House system governs the activities of the Middle School and High School.

Houses are allotted by the Teachers in accordance with their inclination and talents, thus giving them the maximum opportunity to develop themselves. Reward and punishment are meted out by merits and demerits both for conduct and studies. Lots of Sports activities are being organized during the course of the year in order to develop the sportsman spirit, team spirit etc…

Competitions encourage each House to work hard and aim high everyday. Quiz competition increases general knowledge. One-act play, Ethnic Fashion Show, Elocution, Painting, Drawing, Singing, Dance, Flower arrangement etc. help to form the character and develop the aesthetic talents of the students. Each house is guided by a Captains and a Vice Captains. This democratic system draws the best out of the students and trains them for leadership. It teaches them to excel in what they do. At the end of each year, trophies are presented to the winning House and to the best class for studies, games and activities.